Wireless Communications and Machine Learning (WCML) Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Research Area
Our research area includes broad topics in the theory and practice of wireless communications and machine learning including but not limited to
Distributed machine learning (e.g., federated learning, distributed edge learning) over wireless networks
Communication algorithm/framework design based on machine learning (e.g., reinforcement learning, supervised learning, deep learning)
Physical-layer techniques and performance analysis for future wireless systems (e.g., massive MIMO, millimeter wave, and IoT sensor networks)
Recent news
Prof. Yo-Seb Jeon has received the Best Teaching Award from the Department of EE at POSTECH.
Our journal manuscript has been submitted to IEEE TVT (Jeongbin Kim, Yo-Seb Jeon, and Moonsik Min*, "Transmit Beamforming for Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channels in Dense Cellular Networks").
Our journal manuscript has been submitted to IEEE TCOM (Yongjeong Oh, Joohyuk Park, Jinho Choi, Jihong Park*, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Blind Training for Channel-Adaptive Digital Semantic Communication").
Our journal manuscript has been submitted to IEEE TWC (Jaewon Yun, Joohyuk Park, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Anti-Jamming Modulation for OFDM Systems under Jamming Attacks").
Our journal paper has been accepted to IEEE TVT (Junyong Shin, Jinsung Park, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Entropy-Constrained VQ-VAE for Deep-Learning-Based CSI Feedback").
Prof. Yo-Seb Jeon has been recognized as a 2024 Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
Our conference paper has received the Best Paper Award at the KICS Academic Conference (Hyeonwoo Kim, Junyong Shin, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Adaptive Modulation Techniques for Digital Semantic Communications using OFDM systems").
Our journal paper has been accepted to IEEE TVT (Jaemin Kim, Yo-Seb Jeon, and Tae-Kyoung Kim*, "Efficient Likelihood Function Learning Method for Time-Varying MIMO Systems Using One-Bit ADCs").
Our conference paper has been accepted to IEEE ICC 2025 (Yujin Kang, Seunghyeon Jeon, Junyong Shin, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Data-Augmentation-Aided Detection for MIMO Systems under Hardware Impairments").
Our conference paper has been accepted to IEEE ICC 2025 (Sungyoung Ha, Ikbeom Lee, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Meta-Learning-Based Channel Denoising for MIMO-OFDM Systems").
Our conference paper has been accepted to IEEE ICC 2025 (Joohyuk Park, Yongjeong Oh, Yongjune Kim, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Vision transformer-aided importance-aware quantization for digital semantic communications").
Jeongbin Kim joined our lab as a Ph.D. candidate.
Our journal paper has been accepted to IEEE TNNLS (Yongjeong Oh, Jaeho Lee, Christopher G. Brinton, and Yo-Seb Jeon*, "Communication-Efficient Split Learning via Adaptive Feature-Wise Compression").
Our journal manuscript has been submitted to IEEE TCOM (Yujin Kang, Seunghyeon Jeon, Junyong Shin, Yo-Seb Jeon*, and H. Vincent Poor, "MIMO Detection under Hardware Impairments: Data Augmentation with Boosting").
WCML lab. is currently recruiting self-motivated graduate students to begin in Fall 2025. If you are interested in joining our lab, please contact me via email (yoseb.jeon@postech.ac.kr) with your CV.
현재 WCML 연구실에서는 2025년 가을학기 입학 예정인 대학원생들을 모집 중에 있습니다. 또한, 2025년 여름학기 연구참여에 함께할 학부생들도 모집 중에 있습니다. 연구실 지원에 관심이 있는 학생들은 성적표 및 간단한 이력서와 함께 제 이메일(yoseb.jeon@postech.ac.kr)로 연락주시길 바랍니다.
Address: (37673) 경상북도 포항시 남구 청암로 77, LG동 419호
Address: LG-419, 77 Chengam-Ro, Nam-Gu, Pohang-Si, Gyeongbuk 37673, South Korea
Phone: +82-54-279-2232
E-mail: yoseb.jeon@postech.ac.kr (Prof. Yo-Seb Jeon)